Sunday, February 3, 2008

Exploratory group shareholder meeting, Feb. 2, 2008

Thank you to all the shareholders that took time on Saturday to participate in the conference call, specially the scheduled speakers. Going forward, I will modify the letter to management with your suggestions and send it out to the major stakeholders prior to forwarding to management. If there are other suggestions, please email me and we can consider it.

I am attaching a link for the shareholders that did not attend the call and to the others that may consider joining us.

It is a 40MB file so it takes a few minutes to download or to play. My apologies for the cluttered adds of the "free" hosting service I had to use. The call lasted 90 minutes and had some audio problems during the middle part (someone may be on a speaker phone or something).

I continue to invite people to join this shareholder group. In the future, we may choose to formalize the group and ask for more committments. For now, I will continue to work with the major stakeholders on ways to enhance shareholder value.

I would also caution people on extrapolating any information on the call. It is basically opinions and ideas that various shareholders/groups have expressed. Treat it as entertainment among concerned shareholders.

Once again, I thank the stakeholders for participating and giving as much input as they can. This is just the beginning and a lot of work is ahead of us. However, I am definitely encouraged with the support that we have and that this is something very much worth pursuing.

Enjoy the rest of SuperBowl weekend.

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